Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Most Wired Administration Ever

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Apparently the techno-geniuses in the administration have a few problems with emailing:

(CNN) -- The White House Press Office accidentally e-mailed a draft version of President Obama's Thursday schedule on Wednesday night that included the back-and-forth between White House staffers.

The e-mail, sent on a daily basis to inform the media of the next day's events, at first appeared to be like any other press schedule. But at the bottom of the e-mail, there was a series of exchanges from the press team, as well as a draft of the schedule.

...The White House says the error was made by a sleep-deprived staffer, adding that the staffer will not suffer repercussions for the mistake.
Another amateur move by a not-ready-for-primetime administration.

But wait, my favorite part is where they decide to use veterans as props:

In another exchange, one staffer recommended nixing a line about Obama meeting with leaders from the Veterans Service Organizations and Military Service Organizations since the president was now meeting with them before his remarks in an event closed to the media.

"Can we keep it and just change it to say before. Its good for us to say we are meeting with them," another replied.
It's all about appearances with this group of dimwits. Not "we should meet with them because they defend our country" or "no other meeting is more important than showing these servicemen we support them". No, political expediency is paramount.

Is there a single adult running things over at the White House? Where the hell are Axelrod and Emanuel? They should have been fired weeks ago with the blunders this administration makes daily. Rove or Card sure as hell wouldn't allow the West Wing to be run like the circus it currently is.

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