Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Afternoon News and Notes

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On the road again...

I waited for weeks for spring to spring and instead we went right to summer. It was a scorcher in Rehoboth and throughout the northeast this weekend. If this global warming, I'm all for it.

Here's what's news:

-According to the Pakistani ISI, Osama is currently Satan's buttboy (or his enema giver)having left this Earth. Not sure if we can trust them but I've generally suspected he's been dead for a few years. Hey, one can hope.

-I saw the best bumper sticker this weekend on an SUV. It read "I already have a savior, I'm looking for a president". This would be why it was created.

-Us evil Republicans want everybody to get swine flu and die--provided those who do are heathen liberals don't you know. Or something like that. Hey, it's progress, they blamed it on Rove and not on Bush.

-DICK Polman is such a sycophant for Obama he knows what The Ones jockstrap smells like:

On the cusp of his first 100 days in office, the new president is fully embarked on his transformative mission, dominating the news cycle by sheer force of his telegenic cool, exuding confidence, and prompting downhearted Americans to feel better about their troubled country.

DICK evidently hasn't been paying attention to the first 100-days. Does anyone wonder why the Inquirer is losing readers at an alarming rate with bias such as this while the Wall Street Journal is gaining?

-Swine flu hits US, Obama team is woefully unprepared and understaffed.

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