Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dissent is Patriotic; Except When It's Against Obama

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There are quite a few liberals slamming the Tea Party protests occurring everywhere. Here's the one that begs a fisking:

The Web is buzzing with information about how to throw an anti-Obama Taxpayer Tea Party, something organizers hope will be held today from Santa Monica to South Carolina. But no need to burn up your bandwidth reading complicated instructions. Here's a simpler recipe:

Go to a hobby store. Buy a scale model of a U.N. One-World-Government Black Helicopter and a tube of glue. Toss the model kit. Sniff the entire tube of glue. You're all set for the party.
Ha, get it. We're all conspiracy theorist's and insane. No wonder the LA Times is about a week away from dissolving with inane writers like this assclown Marc Cooper.

He continues the drivel:

So, if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor, what's the beef behind today's protests? The Obama administration is cutting taxes for all except the very richest of Americans. Reduced withholding is already showing up in millions of paychecks.
Libs just don't get it. "Reduced witholding" that results in a weekly savings of a twelve pack and a pack of Marlboro's is not the point. The point is that we are in debt to an extent we've never even considered. Obama will have a larger deficit than the entire budget from 96-99. China now owns us and has us by the balls if they decide to call in our loans. We will see a depression that will make the current situation look like an improvement beyond words. Does the intellectually-stunted Cooper really believe that Obama won't raise taxes? He'll let the Bush tax cuts lapse and hit the middle class with a double-digit tax increase that will stunt economic growth for a decade until we finally get smart and oust Obama.

Then again, this rash of tea parties is being organized not only by the pseudo-journalists at Fox News (with Glenn Beck, Neil Cavuto and Sean Hannity actively stoking the flames) but also by FreedomWorks, a conservative lobbying outfit headed by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey. I suppose it was Armey's constitutional if morally dubious privilege to have built an entire political career out of defending the wealthy.
I get it, if Fox News is involved, it's automatically evil and favors the rich. Did Cooper see any pictures? They sure as hell weren't the wealthy standing in the rain. The entire Fox News line of attack is a red herring. Plus, Fox is crushing the competition in every demographic. Perhaps if Cooper's employer could grab 5% of the Fox audience he wouldn't be a day away from the unemployment line in between writing free posts on Daily Kos or the vile FiredogLake.

But are common folks actually going to dump Earl Grey into Santa Monica Bay because they are outraged, simply infuriated, by the marginal tax rate rising 3% for millionaires?
Again with the class warfare incitement. Has Cooper looked around and seen what's happening in the country? What about his deeply troubled state? The Wall Street meltdown has destroyed the economies of NY and NJ--the very same people who are paying the majority of the taxes in the country. I'll put it in simple terms for Cooper: Imagine if Hollywood lost 50% of it's income tomorrow. What would the effect be on LA? Where is the money to feed, clothe, house and provide medical treatment for illegals going to come from? Priorities here Cooper, priorities.

And so it goes throughout the liberal media. We have elitist's like Marc Cooper who piss on the great unwashed and won't even take a second to ponder why these people stood in the rain and cold. He is so smug and self righteous that he can't fathom why people would be upset that Obama is spending money we could never pay back.

Oh well, liberals never understood Reagan either and he pummeled them in two straight elections and carried enough carryover clout to get the RINO George HW Bush elected. This time, it will be twenty years before we elect another Democrat.

Update: More from Karl posting in the Hot Air Green Room.

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