Thursday, March 05, 2009

Thursday Night News and Notes

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How's your night going?

Here's what's new:

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown gave our president some very thoughtful gifts as a show of respect for our storied and long history. What did our prez give in return? Some friggin' DVD's in a show of disrespect to our greatest ally. The Brits are acting accordingly to this petty snub.

Line of the day in response to that fat pig Roseanne: Jewtherism.

An entirely liberal program that reeks of class warfare and gives the finger to those who work hard and pay their bills is not going over very well. Who'd a thunk it?

Hey, how's hat Obamanomics working out for you and your 401K?

Newsweek is probably wondering why they are failing. Sane folks are not.

The Most Ethical Administration Ever is not.

The Most Articulate President Evar is not really all that articulate. Iowahawk figured this out months ago:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A bunch of us figured this out also but it didn't matter because "Hope & Change"(TM) meant so much more! As the Reverend Wright so aptly said: "The chickens are coming home to roost!" God help us all.