Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sunday Morning News and Notes

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Happy March. Only three weeks til spring springs and the crack of the bat is heard all over the place.

Here's what's new in the world:

More Hope and Change (TM) is coming. Obama has assigned a guy who was a lobbyist for the Saudi's, hates Israel and supports Hamas, blames the US for 9/11 and said Israeli tactics were akin to the Nazi's for the head of the National Intelligence Council. Just another swift move and broken promise by The One.

Speaking of broken promises, didn't Obama claim that no one who was a lobbyist would work for him? So much for that.

Radio icon Paul Harvey is dead at age 90. RIP Mr. Harvey.

The new green revolution Obama talks about should start with Congress. Perhaps a nuclear power plant right next to Pelosi's office would suffice.

Rush rallies the faithful at CPAC. He seems to be enjoying being in the minority as much as us conservative bloggers and knows that we have four years of daily fodder with BHO occupying the Oval Office, Pelosi as Speaker and Reid as the Majority Leader. Below is video number one of ten. You can view the rest at Hot Air:

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