Monday, March 16, 2009

A Short Honeymoon for Obama

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Shorter than for a couple who met while on a bender in Vegas and got married by Elvis himself it seems:

A new poll by the independent Pew Research Center for the People & the Press has found that President Barack Obama's popular support is eroding, with his approval rating dropping below 60 percent.

"President Barack Obama's approval rating has slipped, as a growing number of Americans see him listening more to his party's liberals than to its moderates, and many voice opposition to some of his key economic proposals," the Pew Center concluded.

Its new survey finds Obama's approval rating falling to 59 percent from 64 percent in February. It also finds the ranks of Americans who disapprove of the president's job performance rising, to 26 percent from 17 percent.

Among those who registered a jump in disapproval were Republicans, up 15 percentage points, and independents, up 13 points, Pew found.
Not quite at the dishes flying and clothes all over the lawn point but we're getting close.

The report doesn't mention what Bush's approval was at an analogous point but I would wager it was better than The One's numbers are now. This is extremely telling:

Pew found that Americans think by 44 percent to 30 percent that the president listens more to liberals than to moderates in his party. The sentiment was a mirror image of what it was in January, when 44 percent thought he listened more to moderates and 34 percent thought he listened more to liberals.
That ain't good for BHO as "liberal" is a bad word with most Americans thanks to Reagan. There's a reason they call themselves "progressives" now.

Anyway, Obama isn't exactly taking advantage of his perceived mandate and one may even go as far as to say he squandered the goodwill he had. His policies have been disastrous from the start with only more on the way.

I'm tempted to think that he could have retained his high approvals were he in a position of dealing with a GOP-led Congress but his rubber-stamping of any and all spending has had an extremely detrimental effect because people are paying close attention and they aren't seeing the results Obama promised. Had he a Republic Congress, he'd be seen as a reformer and Hope and Change wouldn't have ended up as a punchline. He has promised essentially a job for everyone and help for those who don't get one but the middle class is really hurting and he ain't helping so we see a sharp drop in his numbers.

Expect him to be under 50% come May and expect him to accept reality and offer a serious tax cut while simultaneously cutting back on the spending. there will be no hiding behind the inane "inherited recession" garbage at that point and he'll have to actually govern instead of throwing money around that does nothing to move us forward. People don't care who was responsible and elected Obama to get us out of it. Healthcare, Don't Ask, Don't Tell and all of the other issues are noting compared to getting the economy back in order and Obama sure as hell better get the gist of that.

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