Monday, March 02, 2009

Monday Evening News and Notes

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It's 24 night and I for one and pretty happy with the plots playing out this season. Cherry Jones has done a great job as the president and FBI agent Renee Walker's face-offs with Jack over ethical issues is great TV.

Here's what's happening on the Internets and as Biden might say, click on the link and that will take to the correct numbered page:

-Global warming revisionism at it's most hypocritical.

-Perhaps another mistake in the Obama budget plans: wealthy people have enough money to hire great accountants and pay less taxes.

-The Obama economy keeps rolling along...downhill. He now owns it lock, stock and barrel.

-The culture wars continue apace.

-The Anchoress writes:

It’s actually pointless to mention this, but I will, anyway. If George W. Bush were hosting weekly parties and conga lines in the White House while this exact same situation were going on, the press would be mouth-frothing in hysterics and the Dems would be calling him “insensitive” and “mentally ill” and demanding his impeachment.

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