Friday, March 13, 2009

Liberal Verbally Whoops Another Liberal; Liberals Excited

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The buzz of the leftosphere today is the supposed ass-kicking suffered by CNBC's Jim Cramer at the hands of John Stewart. I guess their thinking is that it was the voice of capitalism getting beaten by, what, the voice of socialism? Something along those lines I imagine.

Anyway, what people fail to realize is that Cramer is an Obama supporter and supports large portions of his policies from socialized medicine to withdrawal from Iraq. Many liberals are Wall Streeter's--like half of BHO's administration and left-winger's like Jon Corzine, the governor of New Jersey. Most people at places like Goldman-Sachs and other huge brokerages are classic New York libs and always have been. They're not these deeply conservative "greed is good" types that many libs suppose them to be.

So Cramer gets verbally bitch-slapped by Stewart and the lefties rejoice as if he actually beat a formidable foe. Anyone with half a brain knows that liberals are notoriously horrible debaters and Cramer is just another in a long line. I suggest Stewart move up to the big leagues and try the same thing against Rush Limbaugh or Karl Rove and he'll see that it's a bit different debating those heavy hitters then beating up an intellectual minor-leaguer like Jim Cramer. If Stewart wants to go at it with a real free marketeer capitalist who has the facts to smoke him, let him try his luck against Neil Cavuto or better yet, Ann Coulter.

So enjoy this moment libs and Mr. Stewart, you've beat up on the intellectual equivalent of a 90-pound sixth-grade girl. You should be proud.


jules_siegel said...

Neither Limbaugh nor Rush would have the guts to face Jon Stewart.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Even Dennis Miller would leave this idiot slobbergasted.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making my day by asserting that Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are intellectual heavyweights.

Scott said...

I've watched Stewart often, have you ever listened to Limbaugh except on some lefty website where they play him out of context? thought not.

As for Coulter being intelligent, she graduated from the real Cornell cum laude (look it up) and with a law degree from Michigan. Oh right, she never served as a "community organizer" so she really can't be super intelligent like BHO.

Anonymous said...

To Jules: I see you are a "journalist". So I recognize your ignorance. Rush has laughed at Jon Stewart and so has Limbaugh. You idiot.

Anonymous said...

nice post interesting