Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Week That Was

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I'm finishing up a whirlwind tour of California, Orient point, NY, Newburgh, NY and North Jersey that began two weeks ago today. That would be why postng has been spotty but once things settle down, regular posting will resume.

In light of that, let's review some of the things I've missed this week.

-Sen. Roland Burris is not long for the Capitol as even the new Governor of his home state has called for him to step down. America has gotten a good viwe of just how insider and sleazy Chicago politics are and is probably a tad uncomfortable we elected someone who came up through that sewer as president. It doesn't look to end anytime soon.

-Wall Street hates the Obama stimulus plans and has dropped to a level that one couldn't imagine in their worst nightmares. A pundit on CNBC had enough and now faces the wrath of the Obama administration.

-Bibi Netanyahu will take over at a critical time in Israel's history. With Iran on the brink of nuclear viability and the feckless UN sitting on the side doing nothing more than wringing their collective hands, it will be up to the IDF/IAF and the US in a covert role to stop the madness. The Lebanese aren't too happy about the re-emergence of Netanyahu if this is anything to go by:

It's official: Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu has been formally chosen to cobble together a right-wing cabinet of settlers, ultra-Zionists, racists and warmongers. Devoid of the fig leaf that Kadima's participation might have lent such a dysfunctional government, Netanyahu and his new partners will face no internal obstacles in trying to implement their wildest plans. As they get on with unchecked settlement expansion, murder, collective punishment and other various crimes, only one thing will stand in their way: reality.
Don't hold back, say what you really mean, Daily Star.

-Uber liberal Bill Moyers has seen his well-cultivated progressive credibility destroyed in less than a week. It couldn't have happened to a more hypocritical guy.

-Obama has managed to create the worst deficits in sixty-plus years and has only been in office for a month. The stimulus plan gives the finger to those who voted for The One based on his plan including infrastructure and other job-creating opportunities. It'll be a long four years.

-Taxpayers are pissed and making noise. Could this grow into a nationwide movement? Perhaps.


Anonymous said...

IF they want to cut the deficit, they need to withdraw all troops from Iraq. This alone will save billions of dollars annually which in turn, will help boost our economy. Also, LOWER taxes for lower income families and RAISE taxes for higher income households. LOWER the presidents (and his cabinet) salaries. Cut back on the "global warming" studies. Global warming and "going green" is a way for the government to make an excuse to spend money and make us worry about our future. The "president" (just like the previous idiot) don't care about the little people. It's all about making the rich get richer and poor get poorer. Putting up a stimulus package doesn't have any effect on the economy. All it does is lower the value of our currency. We need someone SMART enough to realize this as president.

---A pissed off former soldier.

Anonymous said...

How about giving DISABLED VETS a bigger increase. I have a VA disability rating of 60% and am unable to find work that won't cause further injury. I only get $1,034/mo and am getting farther and farther behind in debt. At this rate, I'll be ANOTHER HOMELESS VET! Do something NOW to help us.

An angry VETERAN

Zoooma said...

Holy crap, right at the end of Secretary Gibbs' press briefing (that just ended a minute ago as I type this) the Dow began dipping even further. It had been bobbling around, down between 130 and 160, then as Gibbs wrapped up (wasn't clear on) his last question about nationalizing banks, it went down to around 200.

But as I am told, this isn't Obama's fault. Don't blame Him.

HUH?! If Obama's plan for the future of America, if The Savior's plan for rescuing the economy was a sound plan that actually had promise, investors would be reacting accordingly.

They're not... and hard working Americans are losing money by the day. Retirement and money for their kids' future -- dwindling away.

Oh, and I really love the following:

"RAISE taxes for higher income households"

...yes, because that would be fair.

WHAT!?!?! If you're more successful then you deserve to pay more in taxes?!? Where does this thinking come from?!?!? It's not equality, it's taking from the rich and giving to the poor. There's no justification for this!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous the poorer people of this Nation are exempt from paying taxes. I can't remember the cutoff point but there are people in this country that don't pay taxes. I just lost my job and the owner of the business who is middleclass is going out of business because our Gov. Corswine has taxed NJ businesses out of existence. NJ ranks 50th in how our State treats them.