Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday Morning News and Notes

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It's damn cold in the Northeast. Yesterday was about 12 F in the New York City metro area where I was working and today is somewhere around 20 F as a high. It's called winter and I don't think any one north of Florida will be on the side of Al Gore in the global warming debate right about now.

Anyway, here's what's happening around the world:

Did a Sen. Schumer feel-good earmark lead to the Canadian Geese population remaining at high levels and subsequently bringing down that US Airways jet? Possibly. Liberals are just not cognizant of the law of unintended consequences even though the examples are myriad (welfare, etc.)

Tiger Woods makes a horrible career move by wading into politics where he was always smart enough to stay away before. Think Michael Jordan, Eldrick.

We were told that if Obama was elected, the the US would be accepted back into the world community again in unity. They were right, we are unified in nausea. (apologies to Glenn).

Shocker! Rep. Waxman (the single weirdest looking dude to ever be elected to Congress) hasn't investigated a company in his district he said he would. Between Obama and the Democrat-led Congress, expect a broken promise approximately every single minute.

How long would it take to drive from South Jersey to Maggie's Farm? If I leave now I might make the main course and the stogies...

Just another reason I love America. Veterans and those who've had sons and daughters serve and unfortunately in some cases die or get injured know why their children chose to serve the greater good. You can't explain patriotism to someone who has never donned the uniformed or was/is a family member of one who has.

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