Friday, January 16, 2009

Hamas Stunned By Israeli Response

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Stunned actually is too mild a word:

Two captured terrorists interviewed by Maariv/NRG say that Hamas was not expecting Israel's response to the escalation in missile attacks on Israeli targets that preceded Operation Cast Lead. One of them, a 52-year-old victim of a premature detonation who had already done time in an Israeli jail, said, "Hamas took a gamble. We thought, at worst Israel will come and do something from the air - something superficial. They'll come in and go out. We never thought that we would reach the point where fear will swallow the heart and the feet will want to flee. You [Israel] are fighting like you fought in '48. What got into you all of a sudden?"
They should have feared the wrath of the IDF but thought 2006 was the new standard instead of an anomaly. The Israeli's cared too much about world opinion and fought the war against Hezbollah with one hand tied around their collective nuts. This time, they took it to them armed with the best weapons, excellent intel and a fuck the world attitude. Pretty much how any nation should fight a war against terrorists.

Sure, Israel's taken heat but this time they fought Hamas propaganda with propaganda of their own constantly releasing videos showing how they have done everything possible to stop the deaths of civilians while simultaneously showing that they are ruthless against Hamas (see video below). Arabs in general and Muslims in particular understand one thing and one thing only: power. The Israeli's showed that they are still the most powerful SOB's in the region and are not to be trifled with.

Via Ed who has more on the set back this is for Iran.

Exit thought: While the Iraq war was the first war in real-time via the Internet, this invasion of Gaza has been the first war where both sides have utilized the full-force of the web and the Israeli's seem to have won.


Zoooma said...

"This time, they took it to them armed with the best weapons, excellent intel and a fuck the world attitude. Pretty much how any nation should fight a war against terrorists."

Any nation except the United States of America...

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Barack Obama is preparing to prohibit the use of waterboarding and harsh interrogation techniques...

Anonymous said...

Have you ever wondered what would actually happen if HamAss and iran got thier wish and Israel was wiped off the map? It would be a madhouse of 50 arab nations fighting over the land. Does anyone really think that they would let a bunch of poverty stricken powerless Palestinians take that valuable land? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Hamas will never honor a ceasefire, and as soon as they start firing rockets again, Israel must too.

These people equating Israel with the Nazis have to be insane, and they are mostly from the Left. The Left acting like Nazis and calling for a new Hitler, and for the Jews to go to the ovens, wow! Hitler, someone even most of them would say they hate. The Left, many are anti-semitic Nazis, they should be so proud. The truth is coming out, it is getting harder to hide.

The MSM is insidious, they are instrumental in fanning these flames. We must keep trying to de-brainwash as many people as possible. As the brave Geert Wilders put it recently, "To begin with, there is already a Palestinian state, and that is Jordan. This land covers nearly eighty percent of the historic Palestine. Most residents of Jordan are Palestinians, for instance queen Rania."

Why doesn't Jordan take the poor Palestinians in the West Bank and Egypt control the nut jobs in Gaza?

They don't want them, that's why. They should be made to take them. That may be the only answer.

Hamas is what makes Gaza much worse than it could be. If they would give up the dream of destroying Israel and the Jews and stopped all missiles and suicide bombers, and all terrorist attacks, Israel would welcome doing business with them, and things would be peaceful. But they can't do this as long as they follow their Koran strictly.

There is no negotiating with a mad man, or with Jihadis who want to die to go get their 72 virgins.
I hope Israel doesn't quit too early. If Israel is destroyed, terrorism in the rest of the world will just increase, it will never stop, as long as there are Radical Muslims, or rather, Muslim Fundamentalists; who are appeased, defended, and kissed up to.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
let someone hit you

over and over again
and NEVER hit back harder

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
DO NOT defend your country

from terrorist monkeys
just let them bomb you at will

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
BOMB kindergartens

then piss and moan and whine
when their parents bomb you back

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never mock Hamas

it's just their religion
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