Sunday, June 29, 2008

Brit Military Sends a Strong Message to Taliban Thug

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A Taliban leader learned just how serious the Brits are in Afghanistan:

The fanatical Taliban mastermind behind recent attacks in which six British soldiers died in Afghanistan has been killed in a missile attack by an Army Apache helicopter.

In what military chiefs described as a 'deliberate and surgical strike', the 35-year-old rebel leader - known as Sadiqullah - died alongside nine fellow Taliban fighters after the Apache fired two laser-guided Hellfire missiles at their red pick-up truck and destroyed it.

The rebel leader had been tracked down after weeks of secret intelligence work.

...The secret operation was carried out on Thursday by two Army Air Corps pilots who were ordered to fly to a dusty road ten miles northwest of the town of Kajaki, where intelligence reports had confirmed that Sadiqullah was a passenger in the pick-up truck.

It is believed that his whereabouts were leaked to British forces - quite possibly by Afghans who want the violence destroying their country to end.
As has happened in Iraq, Afghani's are sick of the violence and the tactics used by the Taliban. The Brits received actionable intel and acted on it by slamming a Hellfire right up the guys ass.

Message from Britain to the Taliban: Attack us and we will get even. I'd say the message will be received Lima Charlie.

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