Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Marine Sets Anti-Warriors Straight

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Well said Mr. Axelrod and thanks for your service to our nation:

Some protestor yelled at me, "F- - - off and die." Going back to the characteristic of patience that I had developed through my military experience, I replied, "Thank you. I almost have many times, all for your right to say that to me."

...The truth is that most Americans do not know the fear of walking on a street and finding an IED. They do not know the fear of a sniper firing at them. They do not know the fear of a complex ambush with mortar rounds. The reason why is because of brave men and women in the military. The people who are heroes are the 4,000 American men and women who sacrificed their lives so one person can claim she is a hero because she was arrested for trespassing at the recruiting office.
Very eloquent and to the point. These men and women volunteered just a I did. They did it for college money, patriotism but most-likely a mix of both. They have fought, been wounded or died to defend the freedoms of little college brats to wave inane banners and spew slogans thirty-years out of date. They talk of being brave in the face of the police or some made up conspiracy but in fact they are weak in body, heart and soul. They have been raised on HD TV, Starbucks, liberal teaching and a world in which every one gets a trophy and every one is a winner, even if they lose.

For over 200-years, men like Mr. Axelrod have defended the freedoms we hold dear. We have not been attacked since 9/11 due to the sheer force of a military that Mr. Axelrod volunteered for. For that I salute him and the other men and women doing the dirty work that enables us to live in the greatest country that has ever existed.

Link via Hot Air.

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