Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why I Still Support the Iraq War

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Here we are, five years after Bush ordered cruise missiles launched at a suspected Saddam safe house.

Our incredible military mean and women won an overwhelming victory even while the media were predicting catastrophe--that is the media that were not embedded and saw exactly how well we were doing. We soon took over Baghdad and soon all of the nation.

Then we made mistakes. We attempted to de-Baathify the nation and disassembled the Iraqi military--perhaps the only cohesive group in the entire nation. Other mistakes were made and we paid for them but the US military had not had any experience in nation building since Japan and Germany starting in 1945.

As the next few years rolled on, we fought a nasty insurgency lead by what was now known to be an influx of al-Qaeda aliens who thought nothing of taking over large towns by force, murder and bombings.

We went into cities like Fallujah and fought our way house by house and drove out al-Qaeda and killed their leaders.

Enter a man named Petraeus who has taken everything we know about nation building and revised it for a new time and new wars. Not surprisingly, the media quit reporting that we were losing and eventually just quit reporting anything from the region because they--like many Democrats and most Liberals were invested in us losing and the thought of another 56,000 young men dying ala Vietnam made them giddy.

Instead, we have roughly 4,000 dead over a five year period and last month was the fewest of the war. Liberals are dejected while patriots are elated. I don't believe I've heard the Democratic candidates even mention Iraq in the last three months while the GOP candidate is currently over there.

Anyway, I support this war for the same reason I supported it in 2003--we had to make a stand and show that we are meaner, tougher and could take the fight to any son of a bitch better than any nation in the world. We were not going to let you bomb our naval vessels and embassies with impunity as had been done throughout the 1990's. Arab terrorists respect one thing and one thing only: force. We have showed them force.

The War in Iraq is part of the greater War on Terror and our troops have responded amazingly well. We have rewritten many doctrines and now have shown that we are the toughest military on the face of the earth and God bless them for it.

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