Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Hillary-Supporting "Republican"???

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This is classic:

Today's edition of "Democrat or Not?" gives us an example of a party affiliation that is mentioned by the MSM instead of one kept secret and naturally the party mentioned is the Republican brand. The strange part about this one, however, is the context in which it is reported. In what the media is calling a "politically motivated" family argument over Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton a stabbing occurred. But, here is the thing: neither of those involved in this family tiff are politicians and both were fighting over Democrats that they support. Yet, for some reason, TV station CBS 3 in Philly felt it necessary to mention that one of the combatants was a "registered Republican."
First off, you know the guy wasn't a Republican because he used a knife, all good libs know that us GOP'ers have an arsenal of guns and knives are just too damn messy. Second, does that mean that every time a registered Democrat commits a crime I get to say his party affiliation? I do live outside Philly so from here on out, just add "registered Democrat" to any story I write about crime in Philly.

Finally, any reporter worth their salt knows that a registered Republican in the Philly region--especially the PA burbs--is really a Republican in the same way that Linc Chaffee and Michael Bloomberg are, which is to say they aren't.

It must be an election year folks.

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