Thursday, February 14, 2008

Five Year Anniversary Countdown

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I'm approaching a milestone I never thought I'd reach: five years of writing on this blog.

In preparation of that day, I've decided to re-post some of my posts that were special to me or that got links from Tim Blair, Glenn Reynolds, Jeff Goldstein, Charles Johnson or Bill Ardolino.

Five years in the blogosphere is a century in real-life so I'm proud that I've kept up this hobby for the duration I have.

Tonight however, here is my first real post from February 22, 2003 concerning the environment and the credit not given to the GOP:

Saturday, February 22, 2003

How did the Democratic Party claim the mantle of pro worker and pro environment? Lets examine the most vital legislation put forth for worker safety and environmental protection.

The first and most substantial legislation signed into law was the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970. This act created OSHA and was monumental where workers safety was concerned. President Nixon signed this bill and the rest is history. The pressure on Nixon was enormous, private industry screamed bloody murder that the cost of funding safety programs was going to increase costs to the point that business in particular and the economy as a whole would implode. Companies abided by the regulations (sometimes grudgingly) and the rest is history. Worker deaths have been trimmed by thousands per year.

The second piece of historic legislation was the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976. This act regulates hazardous waste “from cradle to grave”. Prior to these regulations, hazardous waste was dumped in wooded areas, backyards, next to rivers, and in the outskirts of every city. States such as New Jersey and New York were polluted to disastrous extents.

An example of uncontrolled waste disposal with catastrophic effect was the development of the Love Canal area of upstate New York. Buried hazard waste, including Dioxins, heavy metals, and Benzene contributed to numerous cases of birth defects as well as cancer and other ailments. Although this tragic incident came to light in 1979, the chemicals were dumped in the 1940s and 50s.

RCRA changed the way business had to store, transport, and dispose of hazardous waste. This landmark act was the single most significant waste legislation ever passed and saved innumerable Love Canals from occurring. Gerald Ford signed the bill and again a Republican Chief Executive had to buck “Big Business” and move a bill through that would cost industry large amounts of money.

Some other legislation signed by Republican Presidents include, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) which reauthorized RCRA and made billions available for emergency clean-up. Republican Presidents also signed the original Clean Air Act (Nixon, 1970), the amended Clean Air Act (Bush, 1990), the Endangered Species Act (Nixon, 1973), the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, the Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) and the Toxic Substances Control Act (1976).

Posted by Scott at 7:53 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Cringe-worthy but hey, it was my first whack at the new-fangled bloggin thing. I hope I've gotten better through the years.


Terri said...

Not cringe worthy at all, but a reminder why you're still around. You have tons to say from a unique perspective!
Congratulations Scott! Keep em coming....

Scott said...

Hey Terri. You've been my biggest fan over the years and I thank you.