Thursday, January 10, 2008

Voting Shenanigans

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The left-wing blogosphere is all abuzz about Diebold (cue oppressive music) voting machines in New Hampshire and the chance that they could have been tampered with to help Hillary beat Obama. Obama is staying above the fray and allowing his supporters to bring up the conspiracy theory and Hillay's not saying anything.

It's a funny world when Democrats are accusing other Democrats of cheating, but hey, why not keep it all in the family?

Another story concerning SCOTUS hearing a case about voter identification is making news as well. Don Surber has that story covered.

I tend to believe that any election involving a Democrat will forever be questioned by the losing side regardless of the ballots or machines used. Nothing will convince these people that their candidate lost and you're seeing it with the Obama supporters now. The fact that Obama cut his political teeth at voter fraud ground zero seems to have escaped them.

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