Wow, Hume hammered Paul when Paul seemed a bit out of touch with what was going on around him. Paul's excuse he couldn't hear was brutal and to be honest, I squirmed watching an old man struggle with the answer.
Romney may or may not have gotten a good line in, time will tell. Paul was an easy target and Romney should have backed down and let it go. It seemed damn cruel.
Yes, I'm defending Paul because he seemed like an old man who was way out of his league.
Line of the night is Fred going to the 72 virgin's card.
A vicious debate by any measure.
Update: Random thoughts from around the 'sphere.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Brit Hume Hammers Last Nail in Ron Paul's Coffin (Video Added)
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9:49 PM
Labels: Debates, GOP, President 2008, Ron Paul
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It seemed a lot of people clapped when they heard Ron Paul make a few of those remarks.
But Ron Paul would have been making a mistake if he allowed the debate to be about foreign policy again.
I disagree with Ron Paul on foreign policy (not entirely as we do need to cut the spending) but, if he finally started talking more about the individual rights of white male heterosexuals, he would clean up. I refer, for instance, to the outrageous laws like IMBRA that assume all American single males are sex offenders until proven otherwise by background checks before being allowed to talk to women online.
There will be a brokered convention and delegates will be allowed, after the first vote, to go for whomever they choose. Ron Paul will have 8 months to make his case and he has the money for that.
Remember that he can get $20 Million in matching you cannot say his support dried up.
Those who support and vote for Ron Paul are Republicans (the Dem supporters were traitors in NH and voted for Obama).
These 8% of Republicans will not throw their support behind a pro-feminist guy like McCain or Romney.
Brit Hume was the one that was mistaken, not Ron Paul. Watch it again. Hume says "what if it happens again?" in reference to the Iranian boat incident. Paul responds correctly saying he would urge a lot more caution. Then Hume mistakenly says that Paul was responding to the wrong question. He says "All of these people have said they supported the decision to be passive, what are you responding to?" Hume thought that he had asked Ron Paul the same question that he asked some of the others "did they make the right decision". But it was Hume that was mistaken about the question that was asked, not Paul. Then they all laughed at Paul like it was he who was mistaken. Total bs. Play the tape again, it is as plain as day.
Brit Hume was a big asshole. That's plain as day.
Awww, your boy couldn't handle mean old Brit hurting his feelings.
This politics, dude. It's a contact sport and if your boy Ron can't handle it, he should get out and go back to the nice environs of the House.
Spare me the empty Paul was wronged rhetoric, he was lucky that Hume didn't bring up the newsletters, which he should have as they go right to Paul's character.
These are different people posting as anonymous (takes too much time to sign in).
There is no need to be so filled with hate about Ron Paul. The party is going to have to give him control over the Congressional candidate vetting process, so you may as well get used to being polite about him.
I disagree with RP on foreign policy, but he is twice my age so maybe he knows better. Either way, there is no need for me to be rude about Ron Paul and no need for any other hawk to be that way.
As someone just pointed out, Brit Hume was mistaken when he tripped up Ron Paul logically. It did not matter too much. A lot of people like Ron Paul and would have laughed at him anyway at that moment.
If Brit had brought up the newsletter thing, the only way that Ron would have hurt himself is if he repeated what he said on CNN about letting drug dealers go free. In other words, no educated person believes RP is a racist, but people can worry that he would pardon a lot of drug dealers.
Notice that I am helping you with your own potential talking points. :-)
I noticed that you have nothing to say about the RINOs like McCain agreeing with the feminists at the NOW to background check males who use online dating sites.
Did you google the feminist IMBRA law? Do you agree with the National Organization of Women on their pet project?
Do you know about the Duke lacross fake rape scandal? Romney does not care about that. He was asked and he showed no solidarity with the innocent male students who were almost railroaded by left wingers.
Romney, Julie Annie and McCain are all Liberals. They are big government and pro-feminist Liberals. They certainly have no respect for males.
Save your blogger contempt for them please.
The race is between Fred and Ron and both are tied.
"In other words, no educated person believes RP is a racist, but people can worry that he would pardon a lot of drug dealers."
Did you read the newsletter's? If you had, no educated person would believe he was not.
Paul is done and to be honest, he never got started. He raised a little coin from the disaffected and that's about it.
The entire country is either laughing at Paul r have no clue who he is save the small contingent of Paulians who can't honestly look at the poll numbers.
they had ron's ear piece cut down.. they set him up.
The fact that you enjoyed the "72 virgins" line speaks volumes. You are ignorant, racist, closed-minded and completely blind to what is going on in the world and in America right now. Shut your fucking mouth, you mindless parrot. You, and people like you, are why the WORLD hates Americans.
"72 virgins" LOL sand niggers LOL bhurkas LOL Turn the whole place into a Glass crater LOL Semd em to Allah LOL!
Worthless, stupid, fucking, cunt.
I'm racist, am I? You're defending a guy that is on record for years supporting the notion of segregation, anti-Semitism and bigotry. In fact, this week, he was supported by arc racist David Duke.
Now go back through the five years of this blog and find a single racist thing I said. You can't.
So to have an idiot who supports a racist anti-Semite by spewing inane nonsense on this blog call me a racist is priceless.
Ron paul is done and you and your troglodyte Paulistinians can crawl back to your holes until the next anti-Semitic racist candidate cames along, which hopefully will be never.
It's a sad day when the dream ends, isn't it. Some handle it like men and accept that the dream of a white utopia is not to be. Others get angry and write sub-literate coments on blogs. You would fall in the latter.
Have a great day, perhaps one in which your candidate doesn't get exposed as a prejudiced white supremacist once again. He's done and I for one am going to miss the old fool. You--his followers--have made this year an enjoyable one for blogging.
As for his ear piece being turned down, the concpiracy theories will never end with you assholes, will it? 9/11 Truth, Jews running the world and now a turned down earpiece. Whatever, enjoy your life in obscurity scrubs.
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