Thursday, January 03, 2008

An Auth Picture Says a Thousand False Words

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Tony Auth must've gotten beat up by a few Republicans in his day because the dude has gotten to the point where it's not only acceptable for him to equate Jews and Nazi's, now he has to paint all Republicans as xenophobic zealots:

This is Auth's modus operandi, he draws a cartoon that gets his point across regardless of the fact that the truth is being knotted in a pretzel. He knows that the GOP is only against illegal immigration, not those people who follow the laws of the US and go through the arduous process to become citizens. He knows that Republicans are talking about our southern border and the influx of illegal aliens from Mexico and South America, not those who come into the country legally as they did when they passed through Ellis Island a century ago, but hey, why let facts stand in the way of an idea that came to him while holding his crayons? In the Auth paradigm, protecting our southern border means that we hate all immigrants because we're Republican's--we hate everyone including the homeless, gays, women, the poor and minorities. That's the simplified world that old Tony lives in.

As I alluded to before, he's got no trouble submitting drawings that have no basis in truth but go only for the shock factor. He's like Ted Rall with better sketching ability and a few more brain cells.

Liberals are such angry and bitter people. I always thought it was because they were completely out of power but they now hold the House and Senate for a year (however unproductive it has been) and remain the same pissed off with the world bastards they've always been.

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