Friday, December 07, 2007

Friday Night Music--Miscellaneous Edition

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Sometimes you feel like just listening to different music so tonigh I bring you a mix.

Let's start with Sponge and Plowed. This song gets into my soul, not sure if it's the dudes voice which is kinda Social D-ish or the guitar that does it. Anyway, it rocks:

Next is Everclear doing Father of Mine. This is written from the heart for sure and I believe it is the guys true experience growing up. You can hear his pain and his vow to never allow his own kids to feel it is rending:

This has to be among the most rockin tunes ever written. Drowning Pool was short-lived (damn heroin!) but this song still is played at the best establishments...or dive bars but you get the point:

Last but not least, I always thought this was a great song written by Dave Grohl. He got out from behind the drum kit and from under the huge shadow of Cobain and just made decent music:

OK, one more. I always believed the Kinks got short shrift in the whole pantheon of great British bands. To see the Kinks live was a spectacle and Ray Davies and the boys never, ever disappointed (except when Ray married Chrissie Hinde--dude, what were you thinking, she's hideous). Listen to the crowd and the rapport:

Update: Here's the aforementioned Social Distortion with the new Far Behind. They still rock:

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