Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Latest Rush Limbaugh Non-Scandal

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John Amato at Crooks and Liars really needs to get a life or at least the beginnings of a clue. He attacks Rush Limbaugh for his comments about an Inuit who broke down on the stand while testifying before Congress about global warming and the effects she says are occurring.

The headline that C & L uses is "Limbaugh Attacks" and the mindless moonbats will click that link faster than any other with exception of "Cheney Impeached". They hate Limbaugh in every fiber of their being and obsess over every word.

Listen to the statements and tell me if that is the definition of "attacks." Now consider that the woman is an adult and is testifying in front of Congress. All Limbaugh does is rebut her claims, which is the right of any private citizen (and yes, Rush is a private citizen). That, in the eyes of liberals, is attacking. Hell, we're seeing it with the way they are going bonkers over Hillary being questioned by Tim Russert--they've gone so far as equating Russert with Nazi's for crying out loud! That is how they play the game--respond to any questions with over-the-top incredulity (and the usual whining and screaming) that someone would actually take an opposing viewpoint. That's how we know they are getting beaten upside the head repeatedly in the arena of ideas.

Let's be honest with one another, every slam at Limbaugh is just another worthless attempt to get him thrown off the air ala Imus or to revive the insidious "Fairness Doctrine"--maybe the single biggest threat to free speech in America. Liberals can't win on ideas so they have very few options with which to counter conservatives. They either call a reasoned rebuttal an attack or they try to get the pundit off the air through un-American legislation.

If this is the best that the amateurs at C & L can do, I am heartened that our enemy is so simple-minded as to be a non-issue in the debate of serious topics.

Update: Note in the comments that it takes only two entries to get homosexual references into the "debate". Serious debate requires two intelligent sides--unfortunately, us on the right have no one of significance to wage a verbal battle and judging by the comments it seems as though we won't have any serious opponents for some time.

Update 2: Now it's not just the girls, the Silky Pony is getting testy about pertinent questions being asked. These people are so touchy, I'm sure al-Zawahiri is paying attention to these whining wussies.

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