Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Democrats Polling Well With Dead People

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The USA Today unearths (pun definitely intended) a few facts about the political donation habits of those who aren't with us anymore:

WASHINGTON — Harold Schooler died in 2003, but his political activism lives on.

The former piano salesman and musician is among more than 160 dead people who have given more than $540,000 to political committees and candidates for the White House and Congress over the past eight years, an analysis of political donations shows.

The estate of Schooler, who lived in Palm Springs, Calif., has donated $28,500 this year to the Democratic National Committee.

Federal rules allow such donations as long as contributions don't exceed legal limits and the intentions of the deceased were known, said Federal Election Commission spokesman Bob Biersack. Such gifts are fairly rare, he said.
Now how would the intentions of the deceased be known exactly?

Note that donations to the Dems far outpaced the donations to the GOP and when you add in donations to individual candidates or PAC's, the gap is even more pronounced. The following Dems or Dem supporters received donations from the deceased: John Kerry, Dianne Feinstein, The Green Party, Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund (victory over what or whom?), California Democratic Council, Colorado Democratic Party, Represntative Bob Filner and so on.

I guess one good thing for Kerry is that at least he has the graveyard vote.

As they say; if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'.

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