Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Chutzpah of Jimmy Carter

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Today's been a Jimmy Carter bashing day and rightly so. The man who single-handedly detroyed the Democratic party for a decade and sank American optimism like no other President before or since is doing another book tour and slamming the current President along the way.

Interestingly enough, he actually said this:

Well, okay, maybe one thing. Referring to the Iran hostage crisis, Carter said, "I have a specific regret in not having one more helicopter when I wanted to rescue our hostages. If I had had one more helicopter, they would have been rescued. I might have been reelected president."

Yeah and if my aunt had a pair she'd be my uncle.

The reason the military failed so badly in the desert was because Carter decimated the greatest military power in the world simply because he wanted to use the money on myriad entitlement programs. The Heritage Foundation shows clearly that Carter reduced expenditures--especially in R & D--immediately upon taking office. He installed yes-men into the military structure and the result was a poorly trained fighting force that couldn't answer the bell when Carter--and the nation--needed them.

Let's suppose that the rescue team did indeed have another chopper, does Carter really believe they would have accomplished the mission? It was not planned well and was a lame response to a very real situation. Ask anyone who served in the military while Carter was in office about the lack of leadership from his appointed people. He put our troops in harms way without the proper training or equipment and the result was chaos that gave Iran the greatest propaganda coup at a time when we needed it more.

Carter failed to take the Soviet threat seriously, his economic policies were horrid and led to recession and high unemployment and he allowed the Arab nations to pummel us with high gas prices. Communism thrived and the Soviets were making inroads in Afghanistan and South America while he did nothing. The fact that Carter has the huevos to say that one more helicopter would have saved his presidency shows just how important it was that Ronald Reagan's won in a landslide and saved this nation from another four years of his naive plans and utter disregard for the safety of our great nation.

His actions in just the last seven years show what an appeaser he is and his policies would've destroyed not only our economy but would've spelled the end of Israel and moderate Muslim leaders. One shudders to think what Carter would have done were he the Commander in Chief on 9/11/01.

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