Thursday, August 16, 2007

Padilla Guilty

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Ace sums this up much better than I:

DU, DKos (The New Political Center of America &trade, HuffPo, and sundry other jagoffs are well-nigh drenched in hot Che-Che tears over the conviction. They are brave enough to show their love for America by supporting its enemies who would kill Americans.

Those who love America show it by denigrating and beating the shit out of her at every opportunity. Call it the Ike Turner school of patriotism.

The lefty idiots are in full ululating mode now that their poster boy has been convicted and will spend the rest of his years contemplating a cell in the Supermax in Colorado right next to WTC bomber Ramzi Youssef. Here's what he has to look forward to:

"I promised to describe my cage and daily routine for you Bob. The cell is some 10' wide and 15' deep, 10' by 12' is the usable space. And then the bed, shower and commode/sink take up most of that," Harrelson (Woody Harrelson's father--ed) wrote, noting that the one bit of the outside he saw was a slice of the sky.

Padilla was a criminal who chose jihad and went to the Mid-east to learn about Islam and like so many others was recruited for terror in the name of the Koran. He chose to turn against his country and will now pay for it. Enjoy prison Jose and say "hi" to Richard Reid and Eric Rudolph in that one hour out of your cell each day.

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