Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday Night Lazy Blogging

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My thoughts on the bust of a Muslim who planned attacks in Chicago can be found here.

On a lighter note, some good week-ending music.

One guy I used to hate until I actually listened is Elvis Costello. Sirius plays quite a bit of him and I've seen his genius. Here's Watching the Detectives:

And one of the best songs ever written. Alison from VH1's Storytellers:

Another guy who I've recently started listening to again thanks to Sirius is Peter Gabriel. Genesis tanked after he left. Here's In Your Eyes live:

Finally, from 1980, a song about Steven Biko who died under the oppressive South African apartheid system. Biko, interspersed with film clips of Denzel Washington in Cry Freedom. As Gabriel sang--"The eyes of the world are watching now," and they were as the apartheid system soon crumbled under it's own discriminatory weight:

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