Saturday, September 30, 2006

Menendez' Ethics Issues Hurting Him

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The myriad ethical lapses of Senator Bob Menendez are seriously hurting him in the campaign:

It appears the ethics investigation targeting New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez is hurting his chances to return to Washington.

A new WNBC/Marist poll released on Friday shows that, if this were Election Day, Rep. Tom Kean, Jr. would defeat Menendez 42 percent to 37 percent.

This is a big change from two polls taken earlier this week, where likely voters were polled, and Menendez was slightly ahead.

...Overall, 52 percent said they were aware of the Menendez investigatio (sic), while 47 percent were not.

5-points is not a huge lead in most states. In NJ it most defnitely is. As for only 52% of the people saying they don't know about the investigation, they will as Kean has been running ads constantly pounding Menendez on just this issue.

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