Thursday, July 06, 2006

Meryl Yourish Lays It Down

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No ambiguity at Meryl's site:

I do not give a damn for the opinions of those who think that Israel is a racist state. I do not give a damn for the opinions of those who think that Israel has no “right” to exist. I do not give a damn for the opinions of those who think that the Jews of Israel are a bunch of European colonials who “stole” the land from the “indigenous” population (utterly ignoring the 3,500-year history of Jewish communities in the land of Israel, up to and including ignoring the Hebron massacre of 1929, which erased the millennia-old Jewish population of that “West Bank” town).

And more to the point, I am not at all interested in seeing those thoughts uttered in my comments sections. Neither am I interested in hearing the viewpoints of those who pretend that a terrorist group that has a “military” and “political” wing is any more legitimate than any other terrorist group. I am not interested in hearing about how Israel is enforcing “collective punishment” on the poor, poor, pitiful pals. I am not interested in hearing the same, tired, over-the-top shrieking against a state that is protecting its people from having brainwashed children blow themselves up in the middle of a restaurant, or a bus, or a market. I am tired of hearing the Israel-bashers attack Israel on every single point while utterly ignoring the barbarity of the so-called “victims,” the poor, poor, pitiful pals.

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