Friday, July 21, 2006

Charles Taylor Whines

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From the "my heart pumps piss for you" department comes this from thuggish former dictator and current war crimes defendant Charles Taylor:

THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Charles Taylor is not happy about conditions in the Hague jail he was moved to last month, his lawyer said on Friday as the former Liberian president appeared in court for the first time since he left Sierra Leone.

Defense lawyer Karim Khan told the U.N.-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone, which will try Taylor for war crimes, that his client could not make phone calls as freely as he could in Freetown, lockdown hours were more draconian and he was unhappy about the food in the "rather Eurocentric" facility.

What crimes has Taylor been accused of? Here's a partial list:

The Special Court for Sierra Leone was set up in 2002 to try those “bearing the greatest responsibility” for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during Sierra Leone’s armed conflict. The crimes include killings, mutilations, rape and other forms of sexual violence, sexual slavery, the recruitment and use of child soldiers, abduction, and the use of forced labor by armed groups.

The Special Court has indicted Taylor for war crimes (murder, pillage, outrages upon personal dignity, cruel treatment, terrorizing civilians), crimes against humanity (murder, mutilation, rape, enslavement, sexual slavery), and other serious violations of international humanitarian law (use of child soldiers) in the course of Sierra Leone’s armed conflict. The indictment alleges that Taylor, as president of Liberia, provided training and financing to the main rebel group in Sierra Leone, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF). Taylor was allegedly the rebel group’s main backer, providing logistical and military support to the rebels and benefiting greatly from the diamonds extracted in rebel-held areas.

I'm trying but I can't seem to muster up any sympathy for a man who encouraged rape and murder for personal benefit. As for the prison being "eurocentric", well, in some circles that may be considered cruel and unusual punishment but in my purview any cell nicer than a metal cage is too good for this animal.

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