Friday, June 02, 2006

Military Cleared

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In what will be bad news for those hoping that the massacre stories were true, it turns out that one (so far) wasn't:

June 2, 2006 — Horrific images of Iraqi adults and children have fueled new allegations that U.S. troops killed civilians in the Iraqi town of Ishaqi. But ABC News has learned that military officials have completed their investigation and concluded that U.S. forces followed the rules of engagement.

A senior Pentagon official told ABC News the investigation concluded that the allegations of intentional killings of civilians by American forces are unfounded.

Military commanders in Iraq launched an investigation soon after the mid-March raid in the village of Ishaqi, about 50 miles north of Baghdad.

I would say to those who rush to judgement concerning the conduct of our troops for purely partisan reasons to wait and let the investigations play out. Unfortunately, such talk would fall on deaf ears.

I love the ABC News headline:

U.S. Military Denies New Abuse Allegations at Ishaqi

No, that's not exactly true. The military investigated and found that the troops acted in accordance with set protocols. The headline is highly misleading and should read something such as this: U.S. Military Says Investigation Proves Allegations False. That of course would be truthful and go against the current MSM rush to judgement convicting the military as quickly as possible.

In other news, the eleventh convicted person in the Abu Ghraib affair has been sentenced. To sensible people, that means that the military investigated and charged and convicted those responsible.

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