Monday, June 05, 2006

Haditha is Liberal Porn

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The Haditha incident has not even been fully investigated and the idiot left is in a frenzy. They just know that this is the beginning of the end for Bush and the war on terror (they swear that this time it really, really is.) The ease with which they can believe anything bad about our troops is disheartening to me and I took the uniform off 13-years ago. How must it feel to those currently wearing it?

Hell, even the Germans are joining in leading Allah to rightfully give them the historic backhand they so richly deserve:

Update: Spiegel has a slideshow related to Haditha. They slip a shot from My Lai in there for context.

Does a German publication really need to go that far afield for photos of piles of dead civilians?

Update: A juxtaposition.

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