Friday, May 05, 2006

Now Brandeis

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Charles Johnson notes that even Brandeis University is getting in on the anti-Israel act:

Brandeis University, founded by the Jewish community in 1948 partly as a response to Jewish quotas at Ivy League schools, has now been invaded by the same radical anti-Israel movement seen at so many other US campuses. After the school closed down a bloody pro-Palestinian art exhibit, today the terrorist enablers turned out in force;

To understand the utter idiocy of these people, all you have to do is look at them and the signs they hold.

I've railed on and on about the blatant anti-Semitism of these people. Some may look at the picture on the right and see an old lady who's worried about the "Palestanian" children. Hey, what could wrong with that?

But as our mom's always told us, we will be judged by those we choose to associate with. This woman chooses to associate with a person who carries this sign:

Read the man's sign and think of what he's saying and the moral repugnancy of these people. I would've loved to ask the lady how she could square the saving of "Palestanian" children and the call for the elimination of an entire nation, including its children. Are Israeli children worth less than "Palestanian" children. Unfortunately, from the people she's with I believe her answer would be yes.

These yahoos have no clear knowledge of history as they must not even remotely understand that the "Palestanians" and the Palestinians would've had a nation but did the bidding of the corrupt mideast regimes preparing to attack and destroy Israel at its inception.

The sad thing is that I see these signs and barely cringe anymore. In my case it's because I expect the left to espouse hatred on a daily basis. I hope in the minds of people who do not read the nes as much as I do, it registers as disgust.

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