Monday, April 17, 2006

Neil Young Redux

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Here's a more extensive article on the new Neil Young album:

Indeed, in the aftermath of the al-Qa'ida attacks on the US of 11 September 2001, it seemed that Young had taken the side with the President and supported the steps he was taking in the so-called "war on terror". Having written a song, "Let's Roll", to honour the passengers on board United Airlines' Flight 93 who apparently fought with the hijackers and forced the plane to crash-land in rural Pennsylvania rather than letting them use it to target the White House, he announced his support for the Patriot Act. The Act, which gave law-enforcement bodies a whole range of new powers, was condemned by many campaigners as an assault on civil liberties. Young said at the time he thought the legislation was necessary.

We all remember the hype Young's support of the President got, don't we?

Should be interesting.

Update: Blogs For Bush potrays Young as some looney lefty without looking at what his body ofd work has been and neglecting to note his support of both Bush and the Patriot Act. He's a true contrarian in the Hitchen mold IMHO.

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