Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Maverick is Gone

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John McCain buckles:

WASHINGTON -- Potential presidential candidate John McCain says he longer considers evangelist Jerry Falwell to be one of the "agents of intolerance" that he criticized during a previous White House run.

The Republican senator from Arizona will be the commencement speaker in May at Liberty University, the Lynchburg, Va., institution that Falwell founded in 1971.

Sad, really. As one who was a McCain supporter in 2000, it is depressing to see him cozy up to someone such as Falwell to gain political points. He learned a lesson but it seems that it was the wrong one.

Maybe him and old Pat Robertson can talk about how God will lay his wrath upon the next city hit with a natural disaster because of the city's acceptance of homosexulas or somesuch. That'll work to shore up the base.

Centrists will support McCain if he runs a smart campaign. It sure seems to be starting out wrong.

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