Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Kos--Kicking Progressives in the Ass...Or Not

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Kos speaks about his "best seller":

Today I leave Austin, completely energized and ready for the months I'm about to spend on the road.

It's been quite the few days. No one ever writes a book to make money. My royalty rate on each book sold is about $1. Rather, we wrote the book to give the progressive movement a swift kick in the ass. And given our confrontational, no-holds-barred style, I expected a great deal of hostility.

Emphasis mine. Well that's a good thing. You see, based on released sales figures for Kos' book (generously doubled by me to account for the past weeks sales), he would have only made enough money to buy about thirty of these, twenty of these or twenty six of these.

As for kicking the "progressive" movement in the ass; it must be a small movement based on selling less than 1,000 books. The lack of hostility is probably because no one, not even Brownie Troop #462 from Tulsa, OK is scared of 900 pasty Kossacks--sporting those carpal tunnel syndrome wrist supporters--acting in a "confrontational. no-hold-barred style".

Thanks to Ann, Glenn, Tim and FLA Cracker

Update: Either End Of the Curve has some collected quotes about writing for $.

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