Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Scranton Drops Out

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Great news for Republicans as Bill Scranton has dropped out of the gubernatorial race in Pennsylvania leaving Lynn Swann to battle Ed Rendell:

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Bill Scranton dropped out of the governor's race Tuesday after it became clear that Republican Party leaders planned to endorse former Pittsburgh Steelers star Lynn

Swann for the nomination. Swann is seeking to become Pennsylvania's first black governor. Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell is running for a second term in November.

Swann had locked up more than enough unofficial support to win the endorsement of GOP leaders Saturday. The GOP primary is set for May 16

This frees up Swann to collect massive amounts of money and not spend it in a primary. He is an appealing candidate who will win the area from Pittsburgh east to Philly. Don't forget, no candidate from Philly had won a statewide election in ages prior to Rendell and he has done nothing that makes him stand out as a major success while in office.

This could be a Republican pick-up come fall.

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