Monday, February 06, 2006

Random Thoughts

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That had to be the worst played Super Bowl in recent memory. The MVP dropped a sure TD pass and the QB ratings were in the low double digits. The Steelers played well in getting to the game--being a sixth seed and all games on the road--and I congratulate them, but that was just brutal to watch.

More proof that the Donks are losing it:

"Which leads me to ask: is Karl Rove planning a terrorist attack during the Super Bowl, in order to set the stage for building towards war with Iran over the coming year?

Democratic consultant Bob Fertik is on the road to tin-hatdom.

Dicky Durbin, meet Paul Mirengoff

Mohammadness continues on.

RINO round up at In The Agora. It seems that there were issues with submissions as mine didn't get posted. Oh well.

Old crazy liberal aunt Helen Thomas just doesn't know when it's time to hang 'em up.

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