Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Blogosphere is a Crazy Place

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I've been writing this blog for nearly three years. I still find it humorous that on posts I'll spend immense amounts of time and thought on get virtually no reaction. A throwaway post such as this about the hockey betting scandal brought in a ton of hits today. All searches involving "Gretsky" or "Janet Jones Gretsky" or some other derivative of those two.

Another thing I still find interesting is that every so often I'll get an e-mail from a new blog asking me to read and link. Alot of times, they get more traffic than I. Anyway, I recently received an e-mail from the proprietor of Watching America asking me to link to the site and offer comments. I like the site and the concept, translating world news reflecting the various opinions about America. The layout is nice and it updates frequently.

Lastly, I enjoy that my site is read by people all over the globe. Today for instance, I was visited by readers in Iran, Kiev and Hungary. Usually it's Australia, Britain, Canada, Israel and the US.
Some readers don't spend more than a second, but some find me through some wild search term and stick around and read a few pages. They come back using the same search term the next day. One of the oddest was "Charles Barkley's Wife" and that dude (I imagine it was a guy) used that to find my site for months. I guess eventually he bookmarked me.

Anyway, much more over the weekend as I'm crazy busy and have to be in Baltimore early tomorrow.

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