Monday, January 30, 2006

Hillary and Hypocrisy

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Hillary Clinton gets busted big time:

WASHINGTON - Sen. Hillary Clinton easily pointed at Wal-Mart yesterday as not doing enough about health care but found it a little tougher when asked if she had ever suggested the retailer do more when she was on its board of directors.

"Well, you know, I, that was a long time ago, I have to remember," she stammered, before pointing to her work on health care while First Lady.

She sat on the Wal-Mart board from 1986 to 1992.

Her spokesman insisted it's "a very different company now.

Why is it ba different company now Mrs. Clinton? Perhaps because Wal-Mart is the new whipping boy of the left and you want to establish your street cred.

If she is this lame now, I can't wait until the campaign in 2008. How about this question Mrs. Clinton: Does Wal-Mart pay more towards employee healthcare now or when you sat on the board? We already know the answer to that.

Hat tip: The Idiotarian Olympics

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