Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Milestone

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Sometime today I surpassed the 25,000 visitor mark thanks to Instapundit linking to me. That number comes from the Precision Counter I installed a year ago. That number is also not exactly precise as the Precision Counter server melted down (and indeed did again today as it is only showing a quarter of the hits I received today) at the beginning of the year and I estimated my individual hits (lower actually). The numbers got to that point thanks to generous links from Tim Blair, Charles Johnson, Cap'n Ed, INDC Bill, Right Wing News, Mudville and all my RINO buds.

Anyway, I imagine the total hits I've gotten since I started this blog in early 2003 is somewhere between 35K and 50K. I know that's a large variation but I really don't know what kind of traffic I got in the first couple of years.

I want to thank everyone who has ever read this blog and I want to thank all those who've linked here. Some of you are good friends I've never met (yet we may disagree on occasion). Some of you are debate foes I have enjoyed sparring with. Others are actual friends who I don't see enough.

Thanks to all of you and let's continue this new media journey and see where it takes us.

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