Monday, November 21, 2005

Kyoto Breathing Its Last (Polluted) Breaths?

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The Kyoto Protocols have served the worlds purpose and look as though they are in their death throes. While doing nothing for the environment, they've given the socialist nations and organizations of the world a club with which to whack the US.

The Bush adminstration (and Clinton) were smart enough to not sign on to this very flawed plan. For that, the nation that does the most to develop "clean" technology was branded a polluter who didn't care about the rest of the world.

First it was New Zealand, a nation that is as green in the ecological sense as one can be, discovered that this whole thing might well have been a sham and was going to cost big dinero.

Now Britain and the rest of the EU are realizing the farce that is the Kyoto Protocols and with that it should be death to this horrible treaty.

More here and here. And here's two idiots who obviously didn't get the memo.

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