Monday, September 19, 2005

Let Sheehan Speak

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The NYPD shut down Cindy Sheehan's traveling circus (those buses must smell like the old Grateful Dead buses around the end of the tour) because some renob was inciting the crowd:

Cindy Sheehan may be the Rosa Parks of the anti-war movement. But that didn't stop members of the New York Police Department from marching into the crowd of about 150 people gathered in Union Square Monday to hear her speak and yanking away the microphone.

The NYPD pulled the plug just as Sheehan was calling on the audience not to lose heart in the fight to end the war in Iraq.

I think they should let Cindy talk and talk. People like her will always say something that will sink them, just like Howard Dean's presidential adventure. Cindy probably sealed her fate by slamming Hillary anyway:

Cindy Sheehan, the mother of an American soldier killed in Iraq, last night brought her campaign to end the war to New York, where she accused Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of not doing enough to challenge the Bush administration's Iraq policies.

Speaking in front of more than 500 supporters in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, Ms. Sheehan, speaking of Senator Clinton, said, "She knows that the war is a lie but she is waiting for the right time to say it."

Then, as the crowd cheered, she issued a challenge to Senator Clinton, saying, "You say it or you are losing your job."

More importantly, Sheehan has no choice but to become more extreme and more radical. She has become a caricature of herself. How unfortunate for her estranged husband and other family members that they have to relive this every single day.

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