Tuesday, September 20, 2005

All is Right With the World

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You know how some mornings you wake up and knows it's going to be a good day? Today was one of those.

The Phillies are in a death match with the Marlins and Astros. I wake this morning to find that the Astros lost last night with "Rocket" on the mound. It gets better. When I went to bed last night, the sorry Dallas Cowgirls were beating the equally lame 'Skins 13-0. Well, lo and behold, the 'Skins nutted it up and scored 14 unanswered in the last few of minutes. A monumental collapse by Dallas and cause for great glee on my ride to work this manana.

I will say one nice thing about a Cowgirl. Watching Emmitt being inducted to the Ring of Honor with Aikman and Irvin was a nice thing. They killed us in the nineties. I've always respected Smith for the great career he had in one tough division. Emmitt had to play the Eagles, Giants and Skins twice every year. He'd come to the Vet and play on that rock-hard carpet taking abuse from the Eagle D and the Eagles faithful and still get 100+ yards. He was a stud.

Damn, that was hard for me to type.

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