Friday, August 05, 2005

To Unbelievable to be True

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When last we visited with Mansour El-Kikhia, he was whining about Cal Thomas and had some other nice thoughts, such as:

I am fed up with the ceaseless requests by columnists, religious personalities and other American public figures for Arabs and Muslims to apologize for terrorist acts committed by thugs and murderers in the name of Islam.

As far as I am concerned, the final straw came a couple of weeks ago when the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, paid for a national advertisement repudiating terrorism in the name of Islam.

In reponse to last weeks article, Mr. El-Kikhia received alot of correspondence. He decided that he would attempt to top himself this week:

I have never seen a mainstream publication in Arab or Muslim states condemning Christianity or Judaism.

State controlled Al-Jazirah and the Arab News pop to mind. However, there's no need for the Arab media to condemn Christianity or Judaism, they have US papers to do that, such as the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, etc.

He couldn't stop there however:

Even the majority of fundamentalist publications do not touch either negatively. However, a few do, but these remain on the fringes and many can only publish their diatribe outside the Arab world.

I think the response to that can be found here, here and here.

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