Tuesday, August 16, 2005

People are People

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I've traveling alot lately, too much for me because I'm a homebody and really miss my wife and kids. That said, I find it amazing how everywhere you go, people are...what's the word I'm looking for--good. That's it. People are just good people.

I've just returned from dinner at the local Chilis, good fare for a good price if you ask me. I don't put on any airs, I am a small business owner, unless I'm entertaining a client, I'm happy eating fajitas or a burger.

I spent the last hour talking with a girl who was the bartender and a guy pounding beers on a gift card his boss gave him. The bartender talked about seeing System of a Down and the Mars Volta at the local SBC Center arena. Me, her and the dude pounding beers debated what System album was the best. Useless banter with the locals.

This is a town that has a really heavy Mexican influence and I imagine that both these people could speak fluent Spanish. They accepted me and the joking got more intense as they were Cowboy fans and I enlightened them about the NFC champion Eagles.

It was the quintessential American moment and shows what a truly unique place America really is.

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