Paul Hackett--a former Marine in Iraq--ran in the special election in Ohio for the House. Mr. Hackett appealed to the mainstream of his party by calling President Bush a "son of a bitch" among other classy things. He stuck with this strategy until he figured out that it wouldn't work. Once that reality hit him, he decided to use that "son of a bitch" Bush in his final, strongly Republican-looking ad.
The Donks made this election out as a referendum on Bush, as the election took place in a staunch Republican district. If Hackett wins there, the Dem thinking goes, Bush has lost his credibility and...blah, blah, blah.
Hackett did not win, in fact his challenger Jean Schmidt won with 52% of the vote.
The looney's, as is typical, call a loss a win. This is politics, boys, there are no moral victories here. Especially for you Armando:
New Ohio Democratic superstar Paul Hackett went into the lion's den of pure Red Southern Ohio and scared the pants off of the GOP losing by less than 4 points in the face of a NRCC promise to "bury him."
No spin - the GOP is on the run.
Congratulations to Southern Ohio Democrats, the Lefty blogs, especially Swing State Project, and Dems everywhere. We have delivered a lesson - Fighting Dems will win the day.
On to 2006, when we take back the Congress.
Not likely, loser. By my count, this makes Kos zero for sixteen when backing candidates. If I was a Democrat running in an election, the first thing I would do is call Kos and ask him to never mention my name on his site.
Update (6:05 PM): Kos had better watch out, George Soros may pull his money out of his losing venture also.
Drew at the Jawa Report has more.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Paul Hackett and All Democrats Lose
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7:38 AM
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I would think the best plan for Democrats is not to call Kos, but to be the kind of Democrat Kos would not support. :)
I wonder how many votes he got by people that thought they were voting for a Republican, based on his sneaky TV ad where he actually came off as a Bush team supporter.
Also interesting to see that Kos has set his activist hounds on the DLC -- as if the Democrats were too moderate these days!
Here is a very very funny post about the race. You would have a great time laughing.
I don't think the election was the end all be all that some of the Democrats did, if Hackett won or lost. But I do think its encouraging for Democrats that in a race that was lost by 44 and 48 points respectively in the last two elections to have only lost by 4 points in this one. But encouraging is as far as I would go with the rhetoric.
As far as the ad, I think it was more of a response to him being questioned about his service and to show people that even Republicans (with Bush as their leader) think that he is employed in the highest calling.
With losses like these, who needs victories. 0-16 and they think they are winning. They're delusional.
Only in Liberal Land is a loss a win.
And this is why they told us that a loss by Kerry was a win for Hillary Clinton, even though she sits in a Senate in which her party lost more seats.
Liberal Land: A place we all need to avoid, at all costs.
See Joobo the King of Wisdom at
WHoever posted that link to the address might have thought to mention that this post is not appropriate for work or around the family, as is has semi-nude pictures on it. Not that I mind semi-nude pictures, but I'm sure my mom didn't appreciate it when I opened the link as she was walking by.
Hey Katinula,
The fact that the guy lost by four points is telling. It's telling in the fact that he had to act like a Republican to do it.
He did not campaign like a Democrat in the Howie Dean mold. He campaigned like a Republican including using the use of Bush in an ad.
The Donks can't win being liberal and they know it.
What is acting Republican? Pointing out that the current President thinks what you do is the highest sacrifice? How exactly else did he act Republican? By calling Bush a 'son of a bitch', that is Republican. The guy reached out to the blogosphere, had chats with liberal bloggers, criticized Bush at every turn, including calling the 'mission accomplished' debacle one of the most irresponsible statements ever by a US President.
I think having Bush in an ad virtually praising the job you did was pretty smart. If thats what you mean by Republican, then I'll give you that one.
You'll have to excuse Armando, he lost his mind on Tacitus a few weeks ago and can't seem to find it.
I guess you might say that if Kos endorses a candidate, it's the "Kos of Death"
campaigned like a Republican including using the use of Bush in an ad.
Actually, he called Bush a Son of a Bitch. Not sure how that squares with your theory. Fact is, Republicans simply don't or won't realize that you can indeed support the troops, even support following Bush's orders, WHILE AT THE EXACT SAME TIME saying that Bush is a lying warmonger who likes to waste taxpayer money on failed nation-building projects.
Environmental Republican
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Daily Kos
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Who're you calling a loser, loser?
Hey Horatio, did you even look at the advertisement? It could have been a Santorum ad.
Horatio's average daily hits as of today: 51
Scott's average daily hits as of today: 144
You lose, scrub.
BTW, I called Armando a loser. He would have less hits then your sorry ass if he wasn't riding Kos' coattails.
Scott's been linked to by Tim Blair, Instapundit, LGF, INDC, etc. Horatio's been linked by his sister, his cousin, and the janitor from his office.
Yeah, my blog is small time. How perceptive of you. So is your blog. The difference is that you don't see me trying to belittle bloggers who have audiences approximately 100 times the size of my own. I may disagree vehemently with someone like Paul from Powerline, but I wouldn't call him a loser.
You, on the other hand...
BTW, not that it matters all that much, but I am ranked slightly ahead of you in the ecosystem. So I don't really know what you're talking about when you try to suggest that the who's who of the blogging world links to you. We're both small time, buddy. Don't get too big for your britches.
Ah Horatio, or should I just call you Ho? If you read the post, ah never mind.
The simple fact is that I'll call out anyone I feel says something stupid. It is my blog.
Armando is a loser and the majority of his posts are inane. I'll call him out on a daily basis if I wish and you can come in here every day with your whining and defend him.
I'll make a deal with you; I'll put you site on the blogroll to the right and comment on what you say every so often. You could sure use the links and the people who read me sure as hell won't be as nice to you as I've been.
The reason you wouldn't call out Powerline is because they will beat you with a weapon you don't have in your armament...LOGIC.
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