Sunday, July 17, 2005

Tiger Rules St. Andrews

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I've always felt that I was lucky to see (arguably) the greatest athletes in their sports. From Wayne Gretzky to Michael Jordan to Jerry Rice, all the best at their chosen sport. Granted, oldtimers may argue these selections and that is the beauty of sports.

That said, In watching Tiger this last decade, I find it hard to believe that anyone can disagree that he is a more dominant player than Nicklaus or Palmer. I guess that Bobby Jones was on a par, but there are so many good players that Tiger has to battle now as opposed to Jones' time.

Tiger dominated the Old Course at St. Andrews in Scotland again today. He's on a roll like he was when he won four straight. I am happy to see an athlete (and yes, golfers are athletes) who is so much better than anyone else play at their peak. BTW, how good must it be to be Steve Williams?

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