Thursday, July 07, 2005

Suicide Bomber Believed Used In Bus Bombing

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From ABC News:

July 7, 2005 — In what appears to be the first major break in the London terrorist attacks, U.S. authorities tell ABC News that British police have recovered two unexploded bombs in London.

In addition, British investigators say that parts of timing devices have been recovered from several of the blast sites. The unexploded devices and timing mechanisms should provide important evidence that could help determine who was behind the attacks, sources told ABC News.

ABC News has learned that police in London found two unexploded devices after the morning's four subway and bus bombings that left at least several dozen dead and 700 others injured.

Officials also found remnants of timing devices left behind on the subways, and officials now believe that all the bombs were detonated by timing devices. Earlier today, British investigators believed that the bomb on the bus was the work of a suicide bomber, sources said.

Excellent work in finding the timing devices, this should definitely provide some clues in a case that will take years to solve. The important point is that they have not denied the suicide bomber angle; that is very telling. Persuading someone to don a belt made of explosives and blow themselves up while looking at the people they intend to murder is a major progression in european terrorism.

A group who highjacks an airplane knows deep down in their being (I couldn't use the words heart or soul because these scum have neither) that they are on a potential suicide mission but they've planned an escape and the hope at least exists that they will survive.

A suicide bomber is a completely different animal, an animal that has been brainwashed with the thoughts of paradise and 72 virgins. Brainwashed so intensely that they will board a bus full of innocents (in some cases including children and other Muslims), and detonate themselves. That is unthinkable in the west.

We've all seen it on the nightly news when they've done this in Israel, now they've done it in a highly westernized society.

This is a truly chilling step in the War on Terror. A step that may just change the prevailing European attitude of inclusion of Muslims and the Islamic culture.

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