Thursday, July 21, 2005

Misplaced Priorities

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Today, London nearly faced a repeat of the 7/7 attacks. Over at Arianna's debacle, the "bloggers" don't seem to care.

Hilary Rosen-Rove and Libby

Andy Stern-Organized labor and the AFL-CIO

Laurie David-Global warming (by the way Laurie, it is Summer and temperatures do tend to rise)

Bill Diamond-The death of a Star Trek cast member

Blah, blah blah. The single most important issue facing the world is Islamofascism. Islamist's want to kill me, you and Arianna. They have no qualms about blowing up an SUV or the Toyota Prius' that Arianna and Laurie David drive.

Al-Qaeda doesn't give a damn if they blow up a member of an AFL-CIO local or a manager who has no union affiliation.

The only global warming these terrorists care about is the severe global warming that will occur when a nuke is set off in the heart of Manhattan (sorry Huffington Post "bloggers", your reservations at Elaine's have been postponed for a few millenia). Pity.

Let's fiddle with a hypothesis; let's say that the US pulled out of Afghanistan and Iraq, hell, for that matter, the entire mideast. Do these buffoons (er, really progressive thinkers) think that Islamic terrorists would just stop?

We are dealing with tribal people who have two things in mind:

  • Killing the member of the tribe they think slighted them 200-years ago;
  • Destroying the US and Europe and extending Islam even farther than they did the last time they attempted to.

Ah, never mind, these people would bring up Rove less than ten minutes after a nuclear strike in the US. Well, maybe twenty minutes if it was L.A, less than a minute if it was in a southern red state.

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