Saturday, July 02, 2005

Live 8 Post 35

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Pink Floyd starts with 'Breathe' and sound very tight.

'Money' next, two songs off of "Darkside". Why isn't Roger singing?

'Wish You Wer Here' and David sounds great on the acoustic. Why isn't Roger singing?

'Comfortably Numb' and David's singing. Why isn't Roger singing?

There it is. David almost sounds better than Roger. Harmonizing sounds great.

The Environmental Republican better-half said they should've had Geldof come out and sing with them. Great idea.

Roger called David over and the other members and put his arm around them. A nice little set.

1 comment:

Countertop said...

That would have been a fine idea indeed. Did you get the feeling, watching them perform, that No More Excuses sign might haev also been aptly describing Floyd's circumstances as well?