Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hypocrisy Unbound

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The Kossacks are trying to out John Roberts son:

Did You Catch His Wife (1.75 / 4) When Roberts thanked his family, he mentioned his son, Jack...Roberts’ wife’s face fell. It was like a poker tell. I think we should research Jack.
by mayan on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:13:01 PDT
He’s probably gay (2.50 / 2) Of course, this is how ridiculous rumors get started, but extreme conservatives seem to have a lot of homosexual children...
by Geotpf on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:19:08 PDT

His son is four-years old. They should be so proud. Why do lefties always want to out people. Aren't they the ideology of live and let live? Apparently not.

Katinula links to a Michelle Malkin post concerning the same story but opts not to slam them for it. K. refuses to slam Kos by linking to the despicable post and doesn't name the Kossacks as the culprits (she says they are whacko's). She instead links to some story about a psycho who killed his kid. I guess that is leftist rationalization.

BTW, K. The dude who killed himself is disgusting, but the attempt by idiot Kossacks to out a four year old is really friigin' sick.

Update: Katinula actually, sorta defends Bush against charges of racism. She can't quite bring herself to fully give the guy his props, but she does defend him. That's one of the reasons I love K. She does her damnest to see all sides of an issue, but the lefty in her still comes out.

BTW, K. this is why I encouraged you to start a blog. Give me a call and let's have a beer or four.

1 comment:

Katinula said...

Beers could get dangerous for us, but I'm up for it. The only reason I didn't slam people about joking about the kid is because 1. I usually don't bother commenting on what people write in the comments and 2. I honestly didn't take it seriously. Its almost like one of those things that is so ridiculous it doesn't deserve a comment. Plus, anyone can comment and to worry about all the looneys (right and left) and what their comments say would take a hell of alot longer than actually worrying about the content of a post. Just trying to keep my reading and work at a minimum if possible. But yes, if they were serious, they too are wackos. I'm with you on that. I kind of think it was a bit tongue in cheek though.
By the way, the guy didn't kill himself, he killed his son, because he was afraid he was gay. That is sick on a different level.